
Friday, January 5, 2018

Shoulder, shin and calf, knee, hamstring, lower back, ankle, elbow ice wrap and cold packs IceSleeve.com

IceSleeve Hot and Cold Wraps, launched successfully, where you can find the Heat therapy, Cold therapy, ergonomic and mobility, you can get details at https://icesleeve.com/Benefits. They provide following category products:
  1. Shoulder Ice wrap
  2. Shin and Calf Ice wrap
  3. Knee ice wrap
  4. Hamstring Wrap
  5. Lower back wrap
  6. Ankle ice wrap
  7. Elbow wrap
  8. Cold packs
  9. Ice bags
Special features to buy products from them can be:
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  2. Ship products within 24h from California warehouse https://icesleeve.com/delivery
  3. Eco-friendly, field usable, ease of use, adjustable, compression, mobility, multi-use https://icesleeve.com/about_us
  4. You can get more details of terms and conditions at https://icesleeve.com/terms
You can contact them at
IceSleeve4720 Calle Carga
Camarillo, CA 93012
Enjoy your visit at icesleeve.com and please provide feedback so that we can keep on improving it.


Friday, December 22, 2017

How much coinbase is earning daily?

This is just fun analysis that can show how much coinbase is earning daily.

1 million (google play) download + 365K (app store) downloads
Taking 80-20 rules, 20% of total download do the transactions which can be 273,000 transactions.

Let's suppose per transactions coinbase is taking $10 in average then 2.73 million per day earning.

This is just fun analysis don't use it for making decisions :)

Quite a lot for me :) :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Android Development, Understanding Hello World

hello world android application development

With that confirmed, let’s take a step back and have a real look at your first Android application. Activity is the base class for the visual, interactive components of your application; it is roughly equivalent to a Form in traditional desktop development. The following snippet shows the skeleton code for an Activity-based class; note that it extends Activity, overriding the onCreate method.

package com.paad.helloworld;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
public class HelloWorld extends Activity {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
   public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {

What’s missing from this template is the layout of the visual interface. In Android, visual components
are called Views, which are similar to controls in traditional desktop development.

In the Hello World template created by the wizard, the onCreate method is overridden to call setContentView, which lays out the user interface by infl ating a layout resource, as highlighted below:

public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
The resources for an Android project are stored in the res folder of your project hierarchy, which includes drawable, layout, and values subfolders. The ADT plug-in interprets these XML resources to provide design time access to them through the R variable.

The following code snippet shows the UI layout defined in the main.xml file created by the Android
project template:

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=”http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android”

android:text=”Hello World, HelloWorld”


Defining your UI in XML and inflating it is the preferred way of implementing your user interfaces, as it neatly decouples your application logic from your UI design.
To get access to your UI elements in code, you add identifier attributes to them in the XML definition. You can then use the findViewById method to return a reference to each named item. The following XML snippet shows an ID attribute added to the TextView widget in the Hello World template:

android:text=”Hello World, HelloWorld”

And the following snippet shows how to get access to it in code:
TextView myTextView = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.myTextView);

Alternatively (although it’s not considered good practice), if you need to, you can create your layout directly in code as shown below:

public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp;
lp = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,
LinearLayout.LayoutParams textViewLP;
textViewLP = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,
LinearLayout ll = new LinearLayout(this);
TextView myTextView = new TextView(this);
myTextView.setText(“Hello World, HelloWorld”);
ll.addView(myTextView, textViewLP);
this.addContentView(ll, lp);

All the properties available in code can be set with attributes in the XML layout. As well as allowing
easier substitution of layout designs and individual UI elements, keeping the visual design decoupled
from the application code helps keep the code more concise.

Android Application Development Tutorials, installing android sdk, java ide and ecplise

Versions of the SDK, Java, and Eclipse are available for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.
Android code is written using Java syntax, and the core Android libraries include most of the features from the core Java APIs.
The biggest challenge with Android, as with any new development toolkit, is learning the features and limitations of its APIs.
The power of Android comes from its APIs, not from Java, so being unfamiliar with all the Java specific classes won’t be a big disadvantage.

To get started, you’ll need to download and install the following:
  1.  The Android SDK
  2.  Java Development Kit (JDK)
Downloading and Installing the SDK
The Android SDK is completely open.

you can use any text editor or Java IDE you’re comfortable with and use the developer tools in the SDK to compile, test, and debug the code snippets and sample applications.

Developing with Eclipse
Using Eclipse with the ADT plug-in for your Android development offers some signifi cant advantages. Eclipse is an open source IDE (integrated development environment) particularly popular for Java  development. It’s available to download for each of the development platforms supported by Android (Windows, Mac OS, and Linux) from the Eclipse foundation homepage:

Installing Eclipse consists of uncompressing the download into a new folder. When that’s done, run the Eclipse executable. When it starts for the fi rst time, create a new workspace for your Android development.

The ADT plug-in for Eclipse simplifi es your Android development by integrating the developer tools, including the emulator and .class-to-.dex converter, directly into the IDE. While you don’t have to use the ADT plug-in, it does make creating, testing, and debugging your applications faster and easier.

The ADT plug-in integrates the following into Eclipse:
❑ An Android Project Wizard that simplifi es creating new projects and includes a basic application template
❑ Forms-based manifest, layout, and resource editors to help create, edit, and validate your XML resources
❑ Automated building of Android projects, conversion to Android executables (.dex), packaging to package fi les (.apk), and installation of packages onto Dalvik virtual machines
❑ The Android Emulator, including control of the emulator’s appearance, network connection settings, and the ability to simulate incoming calls and SMS messages
❑ The Dalvik Debug Monitoring Service (DDMS), which includes port forwarding; stack, heap, and thread viewing; process details; and screen capture facilities
❑ Access to the device or emulator’s fi lesystem, allowing you to navigate the folder tree and transfer fi les
❑ Runtime debugging, so you can set breakpoints and view call stacks
❑ All Android/Dalvik log and console outputs

Android SDK,the Java development kit, Java IDE, Dalvik byte code, Android Emulator to run your projects, Dalvik Debug Monitoring Service (DDMS), best practices for writing mobile applications, overcome the inherent hardware and environmental challenges for android application development, good mobile design principles, biggest challenge with Android, some of the specific optimization techniques for android application development, Dalvik virtual machine, Downloading and Installing the Android SDK,  Eclipse with the Android Developer Tool (ADT) plug-in,  Android development environment, Installing the ADT Plug-in,

android development: Collection of libraries in android

Android Libraries for developing the application. Core APIs for android
Android offers a number of APIs for developing your applications. The following list of core APIs
should provide an insight into what’s available; all Android devices will offer support for at least
these APIs:
android libraries, android library
android framework

❑ android.util The core utility package contains low-level classes like specialized containers,
string formatters, and XML parsing utilities.
❑ android.os The operating system package provides access to basic operating system services
like message passing, interprocess communication, clock functions, and debugging.
❑ android.graphics The graphics API supplies the low-level graphics classes that support canvases,
colors, and drawing primitives, and lets you draw on canvases.
❑ android.text The text processing tools for displaying and parsing text.
❑ android.database Supplies the low-level classes required for handling cursors when working
with databases.
❑ android.content The content API is used to manage data access and publishing by providing
services for dealing with resources, content providers, and packages.
❑ android.view Views are the core user interface class. All user interface elements are constructed
using a series of Views to provide the user interaction components.
❑ android.widget Built on the View package, the widget classes are the “here’s one we created
earlier” user-interface elements for you to use in your applications. They include lists, buttons,
and layouts.
❑ com.google.android.maps A high-level API that provides access to native map controls that
you can use within your application. Includes the MapView control as well as the Overlay and
MapController classes used to annotate and control your embedded maps.
❑ android.app A high-level package that provides access to the application model. The application
package includes the Activity and Service APIs that form the basis for all your Android
❑ android.provider To ease developer access to certain standard Content Providers (such as the
contacts database), the Provider package offers classes to provide access to standard databases
included in all Android distributions.
❑ android.telephony The telephony APIs give you the ability to directly interact with the device’s
phone stack, letting you make, receive, and monitor phone calls, phone status, and SMS messages.
❑ android.webkit The WebKit package features APIs for working with Web-based content,
including a WebView control for embedding browsers in your activities and a cookie manager.

Android Libraries for developing the application. Core APIs for android, core class collection,

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

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