
Monday, July 19, 2010

Ajax as asynchronous javascript and xml

• If we are able to make web page section to be refreshed without the use of flash and java then probably we are using Ajax. Ajax brings web interfaces using XHTML and CSS up to desktop application interface standards.

• The closest JavaScript had to offer came in the form of the setTimeout and setInterval library functions, which required delayed, seemingly parallel execution rather than the actual spawning of processes.
• Asynchronous Javascript And XML make the acronym Ajax which is the full form of it.

Ajax as asynchronous
• Ajax does exist as an incredibly useful method of communicating with the server directly from JavaScript.

• Many Ajax-based web applications use the asynchronous flag of the XMLHttpRequest object solely to handle network errors

• The direct JavaScript-to-server communication provided by the XMLHttpRequest forms the core of the technology

Ajax as javascript
• Ajax is one of the technologies which provide an interface by which JavaScript can send and receive data to and from the server without requiring a full page load.

Ajax as XML
• In Ajax, XML refers to data transportation. The XMLHttpRequest object provides another useful bit of functionality along with its HTTP methods: When the server returns XML, the XMLHttpRequest object provides the responseXML attribute, which is a read-only XML document of the response.

Ajax-driven web applications use other formats of transporting data to and from the server, including:
• URL-encoded
• Raw text
• JavaScript Object Notation (JSON

Ajax usage has exploded, much like the web technologies, which include the blink and marquee HTML tags,1 animated GIFs, applets, the table HTML tag, and Flash.

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