Joint Examination Board
PABSON, Bhaktapur
Second Terminal Examination – 2066
Class: IX Time: 2:15 hrs. F.M: 75
Subject: Health and Population Education P.M: 30
[Candidates are required to write answers in their own words. Credit will be given for creativity and are encouraged for it as well.]
Group ‘A’
Attempt all the questions from this group.
1. Mention any two characteristics of social health.
2. Which is the highest level of human needs according to Maslow?
3. What is the appropriate age of marriage of the girls from the reproductive point of view?
4. What is the number of secondary teachers according to latest report?
5. How many species of reptiles are found in Nepal?
6. When was National parks and wildlife protection act promulgated in Nepal?
7. Write down the full form of IUCN.
8. Give any two examples of land field site waste.
9. When is international consumer’s day celebrated?
10. When was Alma Ata conference held?
Group ‘B’ [13×5=65]
Attempt any 13 questions from this group
11. “An individual who gets health education is aware of the problems of population growth and environment degradation.” Justify the statement. 5
12. Why is population education included in school curriculum? Give reasons and explain them. 5
13. Define ageing. What are the steps taken for elderly care in Nepal? 5
14. “Family life education helps to live a prosperous life.” Explain. 5
15. How does rapid population growth affect the employment opportunity of the people? 5
16. Make a clear chart of contraceptive devices and describe any three natural methods. 2+3
17. Clarify the concept of natural resources. How does it help to uplift the economic status of the country? 1+4
18. Differentiate between Absolute conservation and Relative conservation of natural resources. 5
19. Why is the earth considered as an only living planet? 5
20. What constructive measures do you apply for caring the earth in your locality? 5
21. What are the effects of latrines if they are not properly managed? What should be done to control their effects? Describe in brief. 3+2
22. What would be your steps for the management of solid waste especially in Kathmandu city? 5
23. What rights has the consumer protection Act, 2054 B.S. provided to the consumers? List any five. 5
24. Define safety education. Enlist its any four importances. 1+4
25. What are the required qualities of a first aider? Enlist any six and explain any two of them. 3+2
The End
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