Joint Examination Board
PABSON, Bhaktapur
Second Term Exam - 2066
Class: IX F.M: 100
Subject: Environment Science Time: 3 hrs. P.M: 40
Group – "A"
Attempt any 18 questions from this group. 18 x 4=72
(a) Physical Aspect:
Answer any eight questions from this sub-group.
1. Define air pollution. List out any six importance of air. (1+3)
2. Mention any four differences between stratosphere and troposphere. (4)
3. Explain in short any four water pollutants. (4)
4. How can we control water pollution? (4)
5. What is noise pollution? What are the three sources of noise pollution? (1+3)
6. What is intensity of sound? What are the three controlling measures of noise pollution? (1+3)
7. List out the greenhouse gases and explain the sources of any two greenhouse gases. (1+3)
8. What is greenhouse effect? What are the two impacts of greenhouse effect? (2+2)
9. Write short notes on: (2+2)
a. Pesticides
b. Sulphur oxides
(b) Chemical Aspect
Answer any two questions from this sub-group.
10. What are the four importance of industrial development? (4)
11. Treatment of solid wastes can help to control industrial pollution. Explain. (4)
12. Write short notes on: (2+2)
a. Industrial safety
b. Waste water
(c) Biological Aspect
Answer any four questions from this sub-group.
13. List out the forest types in Nepal. Mention any three importance of forest. (1+3)
14. Give the scientific names of: (0.5×8=4)
a. Sal c. Tejpat e. Patle sale g. Dhupi
b. Utis d. Chandan f. Gurans h. Champ
15. "Deforestation brings about atmospheric change." Clarify it. (4)
16. What are the four ways of forest conservation? (4)
17. Write short notes on: (2+2)
a. Drugs and Spices
b. Gums, resins and oleo-resins
(d) Natural Aspect
Answer any two questions from this sub-group.
18. Mention any four importance of land. (4)
19. Soil conservation can be done by providing ground cover. Explain. (4)
20. Write short notes on: (2+2)
a. Lacustrine soil
b. Stream bank erosion
(e) Socio-economic Aspect
Attempt any two questions from this sub-group:
21. What are the four effects on environment due to population growth? (4)
22. "Conservation of natural resources helps to preserve the environment." Explain with four reasons. (4)
23. Write short notes on: (2+2)
a. Biosphere
b. Re-use and recycle
Group – 'B'
Attempt any four questions (long answers): 4×7=28
24. What is climate change? Describe in short any three controlling measures of global warming. (2.5+4.5)
25. What is industrial pollution? How does it affect the environment? (1+6)
26. What is deforestation? Explain any four causes of deforestation. (1+6)
27. Define soil erosion. Describe any four effects of soil erosion. (1+6)
28. How can the effects on environment be minimized? Explain any five. (2+5)
29. Give the noise level of: (0.5×14=7)
a. Normal breathing f. Whispering j. Quiet office
b. Quiet Restaurant g. Washing Machine k. Sewing machine
c. Pressure cooker h. Pressure store l. Rock music
d. Exhaust fan i. Ceiling fan m. Electric grinder
e. Air conditioner
"Best of Luck"
yo mtra ayo vane maksm ma lekhdinxu