Console Programs//for exam
1. Write a console application in any .NET language that reads an array of integer numbers to count the number of odd and even numbers in the array and display the result
2. Write a C# Console Application that read a character array and count the number of vowels in that array. (For example: “portal” has 2 vowels)
3. Write a C# Console Application that generates the Factorial value of any given integer. (For example: 5! = 5*4*3*2*1)
Windows Programs
1. Write a complete Managed Windows application with a TextBox control containing a ContextMenu to change the font of text written on the TextBox
2. Write a complete program that has the following two forms with the controls as shown in figure://imp

The program should be able to perform the following tasks:
(i) When the user clicks Open button of form 1, form2 should open.
(ii) When the user checks the checkbox in form 1 both of the checkboxes of form 2 should be checked and when the user uncheck the checkbox in form 1 both of the checkboxes of form 2 should be unchecked.
Similar Questions//imp

3. Write the OnPaint() Method to draw a string ".NET Programming" in Bold Italic.
4. Write a complete Windows Application that has a ComboBox control with the list of the fruits. Display the selected fruit in the another label on its change event.
5. Write a code snippet to display the OpenFile dialog box, set its filter to BMP, JPG and GIF images only, and if the user clicks ok, the selected image should be set as the background image of the form
6. Write a code snippet for an event handler to a button click so that when the button is clicked, a ColorDialog must be shown. When the user selects a color and clicks OK, the selected color should be the background color of the form
7. Write a GDI+ application that draws string “WELCOME” with red brush and fills a circle of radius 20 using the same brush in a PictureBox control when a user clicks “Draw” button
8. Write a complete Windows Application that uses Timer component to develop a digital clock in a Label control when a button is clicked//pardaina
9. Write a code snippet to register key pressing event and create event handler for the event to show which key was pressed in a Label control /pardaina
10. Write a complete Windows program that has a Label and a Button control. When the button is clicked, a ColorDialog should appear. The selected color should be the background color of the Label.//same as q.6
11. Write a windows application that has two TextBox controls taking input of numerator and denominator for division. While clicking “Divide” button, the result must be displayed on a Label. Give provisions for exceptions that might occur in the program/pardaina
12. Write a Windows application to add inputs of a textbox into a listbox and also delete the selected item in listbox with provided ‘Add’ and ‘Delete’ buttons. /pardaina
13. Write a windows program to catch DivideByZero Exception and FormatException Exception. /pardaina
14. Write a windows program with LinkLabel to open up Internet Explorer with the URL
15. Write a windows program with RichTextBox and the functionality to save into a file and open from the file
16. Write a windows program to change the background color of a PictureBox in a form using ColorDialog Object
17. Write a windows program to draw a filled Rectangle and Oval having SolidBrush in a PictureBox.
18. Write a program to display the position of the mouse clicked in a label in your form
19. Write simple individual windows programs illustrating the features of the controls: ComboBox, Tree, Tab.
Database Programs
1. Use ADO.NET classes to connect to a database and find the total number of records in a particular table
2. Write a program that connects to and disconnects from database and displays the connection state.
3. Write a program to select records from database and display them in ListBox.
4. Write a complete ASP.NET web Application with a code-behind page that uses appropriate ADO.NET classes to verify user's password and allow them to change it to a new password by typing the password two times. Use a validation control to ensure that the new password typed in the two textboxes are same. Make necessary assumption of your own for the database, table and its columns
5. Write a program that connects to and disconnects from database and displays the connection state.
6. Write a program to count records in table.
7. Write a program to connect to database using DataAdapter and fill the DataSet, display content in DataGrid.
Web Programs
1. Write a Simple Web Form Page with Validators.
2. Write a Web Form with AdRotator
3. Create a Web Service that calculates Simple Interest (I) based on the Principal (P), Annual Rate (R) and Year (Y)
4. Write a web services that provides current temperature of your city
5. Write an ASP.NET web form with appropriate validation controls to ensure that an entry in a TextBox control cannot be blank and will be between 0 and 100.
6. Write a code snippet to utilize logic that executes only once when a page loads
7. Write a simple “Hello World” Web Service and steps to consume this web service
8. Write a complete ASP.NET program with code-behind page that has a CheckBox web server control and a TextBox web server control. Use validation control to assure that the TextBox is not empty. When the user clicks submit button, the typed name and the status of the CheckBox (Checked or Unchecked) should be shown in a Label control.
9. Write a complete ASP.NET web form with AdRotator control that asks for your name and displays the name in a label.
10. Write a complete ASP.NET web Application with a code-behind page that uses appropriate ADO.NET classes to verify user's password and allow them to change it to a new password by typing the password two times. Use a validation control to ensure that the new password typed in the two textboxes are same. Make necessary assumption of your own for the database, table and its columns
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