
Saturday, October 23, 2010



Market failure can be divided into two types;
i)                    Which has impact on efficiency
ii)                  Which has impact on stability

Government intervention is necessary to promote efficiency and maintain stability

1.   Efficiency:
·         A situation in which the sum of all gains from lending, payments and trade in risk are as large as possible
·         Major conditions for efficiency are;
o   Competitive pricing
o   Minimum transaction cost
o   Integration of market services

Competitive pricing
o   First condition for efficiency
o   Pricing that covers the cost of all resources used to produce a good or service but no more

Minimum transaction cost
o   Transaction cost absorbs the resources that could be put to better use
o   One way to attract more business and to increase profit is to find a way arranging transaction cost lower
o   Search for lower cost and for higher profit is driven by competition

Integration of market services
o   Operation of financial system such that similar loans are made on similar terms everywhere
o   Lack of integration may be the cause for inefficiency

Reasons for inefficiency
o   Economies of scale;
High economies of scale                low cost of production               small firms out of financial market


Inefficiency in financial system                                  competition minimized

o   Natural monopoly;

Natural monopoly              under little pressure to lower cost                    high cost


Market failure                          market inefficiency

Government intervention to promote efficiency:
i)                    Intervention to promote competition
-                Bring policies to prohibit anticompetitive practices such as curtailing (agreement not to compete)
-                Regulate monopoly; e.g. price is regulated
-                Nationalization; Government takeover of a firm or industry

ii)                  Intervention to lower cost and make trade feasible

2.   Stability:
·         Three types of instability observed so far in the financial system; panics, crashes and price level instability

Banking Panics
o   Financial intermediation create liquidity through pooling and nettang
o   For successful adoption of pooling and netting requires
      • dIversification and

      • confidence

and lack of any one breakdown pooling
o   Breakdown in poodijg leads to bank run and banking panics
De0ositors’ confidence erodes                  withdrawal of deposits             bank closedown or run           


Close down of all banks or banking panics                 chain effect in banking system

Securities market crisis
o   Secondary markets provide liquidity for holders of direct securities
o   A pool of investors holds claims to illiquid underlying assets
o   Secondary markets nets the claim on sells against purchase
o   If everyone wishes to liquidate, pooling becomes weak, which results to the sharp fall of prices that lead to market crash
o   Example; 1929 market crash in USA

Price level instability
o   Two types of price level instability;
      • Inflation: continuous rise in price

      • Deflation: continuous fall in price

o   Impact on lending
o   Example of hyper inflation: Germany, 1921-23; price doubled every two weeks; inflation at such rate is called hyper inflation.

Reason for financial system subject to instability:
o   Composition Problem:
      • Problem that arise out of behavior that is sensible for a single individual but harmful if pursued by all individuals

      • Example:

        • Banks: withdrawal

        • Securities market: tendency to sell

        • Price level instability: when single bank increases or decreases lending and creates or destroys money- little effect; if all do so- may lead to price instability

o   Excessive risk taking:

Government intervention to promote stability:
i)                    Regulation:
§  Regulation of excessive risk taking
§  Put limitations on lending and borrowing

ii)                  Creation of institutions:
§  To regularly monitor the activities of specific institutions
§  E.g., Central bank looks after the working of banks and financial institutions; Insurance Board looks after the insurance companies; Securities Regulator monitors the activities in the stock market

iii)                Other types of government intervention:
§  Consumer protection: for example; provision for deposit insurance to protect the credit of depositors
§  Social policy:
        • Equal credit opportunity policy

        • Community re-investment policy

Failure of government intervention:
o   Intervention often serves special interest
§  Example; legislators may have interest in bringing specific laws
o   Intervention is costly
o   Intervention often does not work
§  Example; mechanism of deposit insurance may not work when there is crises in financial system as a whole

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