
Monday, October 11, 2010

Questions important for exam

What is .NET? Explain the two most important components of the .NET framework with a diagram. [7]

Write a windows application that has two TextBox controls taking input of numerator and denominator for division. While clicking “Divide” button, the result must be displayed on a Label. Give provisions for exceptions that might occur in the program. [8]

Explain ADO.NET with its new features. Write a program that connects to and disconnects from database and displays the connection state. [7]

Write a GDI+ application that draws string “WELCOME” with red brush and fills a circle of radius 20 using the same brush in a PictureBox control when a user clicks “Draw” button. [7]

What is the vision of .NET Technology? Do you believe that the vision is practical? If yes, what are the current features of .NET Technology that supports .NET vision?

Explain the structure of .NET Framework. How does managed code execute in the .NET framework? Describe with a diagram. 8

Write a console application in any .NET language that reads an array of integer numbers to count the number of odd and even numbers in the array and display the result.

Describe the Connection class used in ADO.NET. Use ADO.NET classes to connect to a database and find the total number of records in a particular table. 8

What is the solution provided by the .NET technology for the problems in the previous technologies of Microsoft? Explain with a diagram. 10

Explain Event Handling in .NET Windows Forms with examples. What are the event handlers used for Mouse and Keyboard events? 10

Write a code snippet to display the OpenFile dialog box, set its filter to BMP, JPG and GIF images only, and if the user clicks ok, the selected image should be set as the background image of the form.

Short Notes
a. Mouse Event Handling
b. Anchoring and Dockin
c. DataReader class in ADO.NET
d. OpenFileDialog

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