Friendship is a promise made in the heart.
Unbreakable by distance.
Unchangeable by time.
Its lovely to have u as one !
No one will manufacture a lock without a key.
Similarly, God wont give problems without solutions.
So defeat your problems with great confidence.
Never ask 4 a kiss, just take it.
Never give a hug, ask 4 it.
Never ask do u love me, first say I love u.
Never say I cant live without u, say I live for u.
If a drop of water falls in
lake there is no identity.
But if it falls on a leaf of lotus
it shine like a pearl.
so choose the best place
where you would shine..
I have a pen which is blue,
I have a friend which is you.
Flowers will die, waters will dry,
but our friendship will never say goodbye.
X’cuse me,
Agar ap abhi soye nahin ho
aur sms parh rahe ho to
“Good Night”
Aur agar aap so gaye ho
aur sms subah parho gay to phir
“Good Morning
Shakespear said don’t worry!
because if u r worried u get a wrinkle,
So why don’t u smile & get a dimple.
Always smile and be happy
The world’s most beautiful sentence is…
and the world’s most selfish and painful sentence is
Man: Sir, my wife is missing.
Postmaster:bhai ye post office hai,
police station me complain dijiyee.
Man:Kia karon, khushi k mare
kuch samajh nahin aa raha
0ur Friendship is Like Playing on See-Saw
Not only Because Its Always Fun With You
But Also Because I Wouldnt Mind
Going Down 2 See You Rising !!!
Sometimes in life we think
we don’t need anyone,
But sometimes we don’t have
anyone when we need someone.
So,hold good peoples around
never let your friends go!
Salesman:This computer will
cut your workload by 50%.
Babbal Singh:That is great,
I will take two of them
Man standing on the scale,
holding his stomach in.
Wife:I do not think that is going to help.
Man:Sure it does. How else could I see the numbers?
A man sees a fat man
sitting in a train cabin.
Taunting, he asks:
Is this cabin for elephants only!
Fat man humbly replies:
No!Even monkeys like you can sit!
Love is what I see in, your smile every day.
Love is what I feel in, every touch you give.
Love is what I hear in, every word you say.
Love is what we share every day we live
FRIEND means
f=free frm all formalities
r=right to say any thing
i=in anyway
e=either good or bad
n=no sorry no thnx
d=daantna peetna allowed 24 hours
Look Outside its So Pleasant!
Sun Smiling 4 U !
Trees Dancing 4 U !
Birds Singing 4 U !
Because, I Asked Them All 2 Wish You
True friends are like mornings,
u cant have them the whole day,
but u can be sure,
they will be there when u wakeup tomorrow,
next year and forever.
When clouds break rain falls.
When coconut break water falls.
when love break tears falls
when friendship break life falls
so never break friendship.
once u let them go
u cant ever get them
dats y i ll tie u
tight tu my heart
u r precious to lose
Lovers sitting in a park,
boy tries to kiss the girl..
Girl says No dear not all this before marriage..
Boy: Don’t worry darling “I am already married”.:
Once there was a mirror which used to kill “LIERS”
FRENCH:I think I don’t smoke (killed)
AMERICAN:I think, I love Iraq(killed)
Indian:I think (killed)
Life spent with someone
for a lifetime may be meaningless,
But a few moments spent
with someone who really loves U,
Means more than a life itself!
A beautiful girl goes to Professor cabin
that i will do anything to pass in the exams
and professor says
Books And Study
How long will you be special to me?
As long as the stars twinkle in the sky,
As long as angels are there up high,
Till the ocean run dry and till the day i die.
6 rules to be HAPPY:
Free your heart from hatred;
Free your mind from worries;
Live simply;
Expect less;
Give more & Always have ME as UR FRIEND
Love story!
A mosquito & hen fell in love with each other.
1 day they kissed each other
Hen died of dengue
Mosquito died of bird flu
Moral: Sachi mohabbat:-)
Professor:Chemical symbol of Barium?
Sardar: BA
Professor:For sodium?
Sardar: NA
Professor:What will we get if 1 atom of BA
& 2 atoms of NA combined?
Sardar: BANANA
Easiest ways to Die,
1.Have a cigerrate daily
U’ll die 10 years early
2.Have drink daily,
U’ll die 30 years early
3.Love some1 truely
U’ll die daily.
Its not an achievement to
make 1000’s friends in a year,
but an achievement is when
you make a friend for 1000’s years.
Be my vallentine
i am sending you this valentine wish
with hugs and kissess ,too ;
cause there,s a place
here in my neart that,s
mad for only you!!!!!!!!!!
What do you give a lady so sweet?
Who makes my existence so complete.
Should She get a Long-stemmed Rose?
Perhaps some very heartfelt pros?
A store-bought card with another’s word?
Anything that’s purchased seems absurd.
I would give you the World if it were mine,
For now, take my heart, and be My Valentine.
Old man walking on the street,
sees a child trying 2 reach a door bell.
Old man goes to the door,
rings the bell & says: what else?
Child:Uncle ab bhagoo!
Pundit:-Tumhare jeevan me 6 larkian ayengi.
Bow:Wow, kia bat hai.
Pandit:Ziada khush hone ki baat nahin hai.
1 ghar wali or 5 betiyan hain
Lawyer to sardar:geeta pe hath rakho
Sardar:Kamal hai, Seeta pe hath rakha
to baat court tak pohanch gaye,
ab bol raha he geeta pe hath rakho:
Babbal Singh saw a very high Airtel Tower
& red light glowing on the top,
seeing this he said “India is developing fast,
see there are traffic signals for Aeroplane in the air"
Good news for Pokhara University students
Exams of Board have been postponed upto june
To confirm goto site
www.stop dreaming & start
If dentists make films,?the names will be -
*Daant ho na ho
*Jaanam brush karo
*Aa ab clean karen
*Kabhi teeth kabhi gum
*Humara daant aapke paas hai!